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Boat Floaters - August 2022

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Slow and sunny is the initial vibe of August’s 34-track Boat Floaters selection, crafted with care for you, dear Meet Bernard customer. First up, we ease into things with Jimetta Rose and the Voices of Creation’s version of Let The Sunshine In. More vitamin C goodness follows in the form of zero dB’s Sunshine Lazy, then Pachyman’s wicked, washed-out Sunset Sound.

More laid-back reggae follows in the form of an epic version of Upside Down – this month’s best find – and Wang East. There’s a wonderous take on Sunny by Asha Puthli and The Surfers, before we start to wade out deeper into the session, and African tunes get you moving. We dive into some disco, Brazilian funk, and there’s plenty of jazz. So go on, kick off those espadrilles, and shake it.

If you connect with this unmixed selection I think you’d enjoy exploring my Boat Floaters Mixcloud profile (see here), where there are both upbeat (“waterfall”) and more chilled (“slow flow”) mixes.

I’ve recently started DJ for Loose FM, too – a monthly two-hour show.

Thanks for your support.

Yours in music,

Ollie (Boat Floaters)

Listen to August’s Boat Floaters here.

Great to Meet you..!

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