We love a statement tee. TSPTR, a new kid on the block here at Meet Bernard, take the 'statement' part literally: they have a passion for clothes with meaning, and their comfortable-but-cool, responsibly-made graphic t-shirts and sweats are inspired by a very American history of protest movements, counter-culture, skaters, surfers, and radical pop-art. TSPTR stands for ' Truth, Symmetry, Pleasure, Taste and Recognition', the five design principles of Louis Sullivan, American modernist architect, designer and 'the father of skyscrapers': we think their designs tower above the rest. (And who doesn't love Snoopy?)
Russ Gator, the brand's founder, gave us five minutes to grill him on his biggest influences, his favourite things, and the blend of rebellious Americana that makes TSPTR special.
Hi Russ! Describe TSPTR in 3 words.
Ethical, uncompromising, engaging.
What would you consider the TSPTR the ethos?
To deliver ethically-made clothing with a message.___________________________________________________________________

Kit in some of our TSPTR picks: the Charlie Peace tee, the Charlie Endless Summer sweat, and the Sick City sweat.
Who are your style inspirations?
Glenn Frey, Sonny Crockett, Angela Davis, David Hockney, Dennis Wilson, Bobby Briggs, lots of my friends.What can’t you live without?
What is your favourite item of clothing you own currently and why?
It’s got to be either a Beach Boys promo t-shirt from 1972, one of the earliest pieces of BB’s apparel, or one of the first run of Nike Pinwheel t-shirts from 1976 printed by Geoff Hollister. Both are effectively cultural and historical artefacts that resonate with meaning.

The TSPTR moodboard: Dennis Wilson of The Beach Boys' solo album 'Pacific Ocean Blues', 1970s student protest pins (including a Snoopy shoutout), cult-favourite restaurant Chez Jay in Santa Monica, and an original Nike Pinwheel logo shirt.
What is your favourite object you own?
Difficult question. Not sure I can single out one specific thing - original first print copy of Ritual, a black power hat from the 1968 Detroit Riots complete with Snoopy patch and BPP pin badges, a promo copy of Pacific Ocean Blue with a hand written note by Dennis Wilson to the radio station DJ, an original Berkeley Political Poster Workshop poster from 1969, a 1968 USAF FAC 'Fly the friendly skies of Laos' t shirt...the list is endless.Describe your perfect day.
A walk in the woods, a swim in the ocean and an afternoon in a record shop.
What and where would your last meal on earth be?
A burger at Chez Jay in Santa Monica.

What matters more, ambition or talent?
I guess from a personal perspective I’d say ambition. I’ve never let not being good at something stop me from doing it – my band is a testament to that logic.___________________________________________________________________
And finally, what item of clothing from your brand are you most proud of?
I’m proud of everything we do, but the piece I love the most are the Zuma pants. They're functional and super comfortable; once you wear them you’ll never wear jeans again. ___________________________________________________________________
We agree. (Although we do love our jeans.) Thanks Russ!